Tag Archives: L. T Kelly

Falling Into You Cover Reveal!

My friend, L.T.Kelly, has decided to allow me to assist in revealing the cover for her sequel to Falling to Pieces, her smashing debut novel.


Are you ready?


Here it is:






Marc Romano disappeared without a trace into the darkness. His lover became overwhelmed with grief in her loss. But her grief takes on a much more murderous form than most, for Teagan Lewis is a vampire.

Now her heartache is driving her further from the woman she once was, and she realises she must snap out of her monstrous habits and discover the way back to her old self. But how?

Ending their trip around Europe, Teagan and her friend Alex head back to New York. Teagan has the full intention of carrying out a dangerous plan here; not just physically dangerous, but emotionally as well.

How will she be able to resist the irresistible? And what of the new rival, Ivan Lenin? He threatens her life and the lives of everyone she loves. The only people who can help her are her sworn enemy and an ancient stranger. Will they assist her?

How will Teagan Lewis face the demons of her past and try to find happiness? Will she stay and fight or will she run from the things she must face in order to finally be at peace? Mistakes will be made. People will die. The time has come…

Look for it May 2014


Go stalk follow L.T. here:


I Have A Confession To Make

Disclaimer: The authors I mention below are not among those I’m referring to in the post. All have helped me immensely, and are willing to do the same for other author-wannabes (like me). Two even have a website, and books dedicated to that. Another has a book too.  


Not too long ago, I read a couple of lines that made me realize: We writers are a rather arrogant bunch. I did some searching online to double-check, and I discovered, yep, we are. Here’s what I mean: I have read over 1,000 books, blog posts and articles over the last year that says not everyone can write a novel. I’m not going to cite any of them because a few were written by folks I’d like to consider my friends. Almost everyone said that only a select few can write novels, or they’d quote some statistic that says 80% of people think they can write a book, and then say that was bullshit. What we do is so hard. Um, no it isn’t.

Technically speaking, nothing is hard to do unless you don’t put in the time, and energy in learning how to do it. For me, building a space shuttle, a nuclear reactor, calculating pi, or even making bouillabaisse. I don’t know how to do those things. However, I can go learn how to, if I had the drive to. It’s the same thing with writing. Anyone can put words together to form sentences, then paragraphs, and then a manuscript. It’s not that hard.

What separates we writers from Joe, or Jane, Average is our drive to put words to paper, or screen. We have a compunction, or a predilection for doing so.  Hell, you can even say it is our obsession (some of them anyway. I’m pretty damned lazy for the most part). Something within us makes us get to a desk, or table, pull out our notebooks, pads, typewriters, or computers, and start stringing words together to form a story. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it sucks. Great thing is, what is awesome, and what is sucky, are subjective. For example, millions rave over The Twilight Saga, and 50 Shades of Grey. I can’t stand either.

“You’re not the target audience, asshole.”

Fair enough. I also can’t stand Terry Pratchett novels. Or some R.A.Salvatore ones. And you know what? Not one of those four I just mentioned even notice that I haven’t bought their stuff. They have millions of fans.

If you have any interest in some authors I do like, I can rattle off a couple of names (maybe you could go check ’em out, see if you agree with me): R.S.Guthrie, L.T.Kelly, Angela Ackerman, Becca Puglisi (Anglea & Becca are a writing team. They have separate links because I want to show both pages, and not have both names go to the same place. I’m weird like that. :P), Kevin Rau, Jen Boyce, Fabiola Surya. Jen & Fab don’t have links because their novels are not yet published, and they don’t yet have websites, though Fab does have a blog. Wondering how I can say Jen & Fab are some of my favorite writers? Simple: I get to assist these wonderful ladies in crafting their stories. I’m kinda blessed that way.

Why did I title this blog “I Have A Confession To Make”? I was one of those arrogant writers I mentioned. I am no longer. Now, if someone says to me, “I want to be a writer,” or “I can write a novel,” my response will be, “Go for it. I’ll be cheering you on. If there’s any way I can assist, let me know. I’ll be glad to.”

Wanna check out some of the above author’s works? Here’s a series of links to their stuff on Amazon:

Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi –  The Emotion Thesaurus, The Positive Trait Thesaurus, The Negative Trait Thesaurus

R.S.Guthrie – Black Beast, Ink, Blood Land (This one is Free)

Kevin Rau – H.E.R.O: Metamorphosis, H.E.R.O: New Markets, Necromancer’s Ascent

L.T.Kelly – Falling to Pieces (her debut novel. The second is in the works).

Why not show some love to these wonderful authors? Tell them R.w.Foster sent you.

Book Excerpt

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Today, we’re getting an excerpt from the first (awesome) novel of L.T.Kelly. Enjoy:


Excerpt from Chapter Three ‘Falling to Pieces’


His perfume lingered in my nostrils, making the fantasy easier for me. I folded my hand around my breast, cupping the smooth pale skin and let my palm continue down to my belly stopping when I reached the curly hair poking out of my open jeans.

Undoubtedly, I had to do something about the pent up sexual tension whirring through my body.

I stepped across the ivory coloured tiles in my bathroom and leaned over the large oval bath to turn on the taps. I closed the door, wanting the room to fill with steam so I would experience a physical mist in addition to the mist collected within my thoughts.

My eyes glowed with such brightness I couldn’t help but catch sight of them in the mirror, the rest of my face might hardly be noticed.

What’s happening to me?’ I thought while gasping at the sensation of pulling the rough denim down my legs. I dropped the shirt on the floor, close enough for me continue enjoying Marc’s scent from the tub.

I stepped into the clear water without taking the time to check the temperature. I’m unaffected by different temperatures. Not from air or water. I can feel them but they don’t bother me. I run cold all of the time, so my body can preserve the blood I drink for optimal operation, not heating.

After turning off the taps I laid back, the water lapped over my body. The swishing sensation electrified all of my nerve endings.

I closed my eyes again, finding doing so helped with the visualisation. I fantasised about him being here in the bathroom, watching me with his lip curled into a half smile. I audibly gulped at the sight of his body, the image of his nakedness in my minds eye.

His legs appeared powerful, thick and defined with muscle and dusted with dark hair—how sweet it would be to have those legs entwined with my own.

The definition of his stomach muscles made me want to lick the ridges, up to his pectorals sitting square and subtle on his broad chest. His nipples the beautiful colour of rich coffee beans. I ran my tongue over my lips imagining how the buds would taste in my mouth—how his body would respond—turned on from knowing my touch made him swell with the same desire I was experiencing.

I shuddered as I put my head under the hot water, allowing my hair to billow around me. I wanted the sensation of being touched. I wanted to be enveloped entirely. Water was the only thing available to me, the single thing offering the ability touch every part of me simultaneously.

I pinpointed the pressure of the water over my breasts, curling over their roundness and wetting my nipples. I automatically arched my back imagining the water was his chest and my erect buds brushed over his smooth skin, making them harder still at the thought.

On the ascent the water whooshed up between my legs putting pressure on the sensitive skin at my apex. I cried out a little and my palm flew to cup the throbbing area in surprise.

Reaching down to the crook of my knee I traced my fingertips up the inside of my thigh, experimenting with the sensation.

The image of the excited man in my bathroom urged me to continue, his parted lips begged me to join him in touching what needed to be touched for the release I craved.

I brushed over the throbbing flesh hidden between the thick curls and circled the area around my sex until I ached for more.

Unable to resist any longer, I ran my fingers from my opening up through the swollen folds gasping at the orgasmic tingling sensation affecting every nerve ending. My fingers flew hungrily back down to the entrance, and as I raised my hips out of the water I plunged them deep inside, caressing the slick wetness lying within.

Marc remained in the bathroom with me in the fantasy racing around my mind. Only now he watched me more intently, his eyes admiring my naked body and the way I touched myself.

The dim vanity light picked up the sheen on his tanned skin caused by the steam clouding the room; little drips trailed their way down his broad shoulders and over his thick arms down to his finger tips, burning to touch me, to take away my frustration while taking care of his own.

The pace of my fingers quickened, the friction against my dark pink flesh forcing automatic groans that didn’t even sound like they came from my throat.

Every single muscle in my body started to tense, building up with delicious pleasure, the blood from my earlier feed pumping furiously through my heart, pounding in my ears.

My breathing became erratic, every breath I took seemed to catch in my throat. My fingers pinpointed the source of the amazing sensation, so I concentrated on the nub, pressing harder and brushing my fingers over the spot, quickening my pace with every stroke and sensing my core build until I couldn’t hold back any longer.

I held my breath as the orgasm ripped through me. The sensation continued shivering though me. My lips parted allowing a strangled moan to escape them.

My mind went blank, pushing everything away apart from the pleasure I experienced under Marc’s watchful gaze.

As the orgasm petered out I let go of my limbs, unable to carry the weight of them any longer. My torso slumped back and slid down until my face was beneath the water.

I’d never touched myself before, never knew the need. In my human life I’d been taught masturbation was immoral. My sexual experiences had been traumatic to say the least.

Maybe it was Thomas’ fault that I’d lived my life as an asexual? He’d always treated me like a child, so maybe I’d just taken his lead and behaved as such?

My whole body relaxed, enjoying the afterglow as I lifted my head out of the water and rested back against the porcelain. My heartbeat slowed right down, only beating occasionally now. I’d be a little slower and my senses would suffer a slight impairment until the next feed.

A feed usually lasts me at least a few days but I had exhausted the blood I had taken tonight in a few short hours. I’d need to feed again as soon as the sun went down the coming evening. The blood had been used up through all the excitement of my pounding heart. A feed could only pump through my heart a few times before being soaked up by my organs.

I sat up lifting my head out of the water and pressed my back against the porcelain. I felt tired but lacked the drive to climb out of the water and go to bed.

Without any warning the bathroom door slammed open. Chunks of plaster spat out over the tiled floor, the door handle embedded into the wall. Water spilled out of the bath as I thrashed around in the tub trying to grip the slippery surface.

Thomas filled the doorway—he’s not a tall man, only around five foot nine, but his aura filled the space. His feet planted wide apart and his hands formed powerful fists. His eyes so wide, the whites were visible all the way around his dark denim irises.

In a flash he grabbed my flailing arms, wrenching me out of the tub. My jaw hung slack as he smashed my back into the sink. A sickening crunch of my spine snapping against the solid surface echoed around the room. The splinters of porcelain rattled and smashed over the slippery floor.

I rebounded onto the hard, cold tiles, unable to move and surrounded by pieces of what once formed my sink. My mouth all of a sudden tasted coppery and my head spun.

“Thomas,” I breathed his name. Drops of water rolled off my skin and had started to form a puddle around me.

Shock pulsed through my mind. I couldn’t begin to imagine why he would do such a thing to me. I wanted to scream and shout but the healing would take time because my body was running so low on human blood. I struggled to turn my head to look at him.


About the Author

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L.T. Kelly was born and raised in Solihull, UK. She started writing short stories at school where her teachers offered her lots of feedback and encouragement.

Aged seventeen she joined the Royal Air Force, her career didn’t reserve a lot of time to write so she pushed her passion for it to the back of her mind.

After an eleven and a half career she started writing short stories again until a friend commented that she should write a novel.

She has always had an unhealthy obsession with vampires, so of course it was inevitable that a plot involving vampires would be the first to spring to mind.

L.T. Kelly lives in Lincolnshire, UK with her husband and two children.

Connect with the author:



Blog Site


Where to purchase ‘Falling to Pieces’ by L.T. Kelly




An Interview With L.T. Kelly

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Today we’re doing an interview with the grand author, L.T. Kelly. Her first novel officially launched yesterday, and I must say it is a simply smashing read. However, there was a slight problem with the bloody thing: It ended! Damn it, I wanted to keep reading! Bollocks. Oh well, enough from me, let’s get to the interview, eh?

RwFoster: Okay, first Let me say, “No fair writing, editing, revising, and publishing your novel before I did mine. 😉

L.T. Kelly: Well, Mr. Foster, all I can say is that you’re writing an epic fantasy, that means it has a lot less words, it’s round 58500 words. That may help you. Plus, you know I have a lot to say for myself. :p

RwF: Cheeky wench. Seriously, though, how does it feel to have your book published?

L.T.: Seriously. Just a little weird. I never actually thought I’d do it. I gave myself until October 2013 to write it. I started in earnest at the beginning of April 2013. So it just shows how well a story can flow out when it’s coming from your heart and soul.

RwF: Okay, so you have a vampire new adult novel. What inspired you to write that?

L.T.:  A friend of mine challenged me to write a vampire story. I always wrote short stories before ‘Falling to Pieces’. It was so hard to write what I really wanted to in the current UK market for short stories, as well as the rigidity of word counts.

I was just sat on my sofa listening to music after a large glass of wine…ok, ok, a bottle when ‘Falling to Pieces’ by David Guetta came on and the whole plot flashed before my eyes. It was a beautiful moment.

 If y’all would like to hear that great tune, it is here.

RwF:  Did Underworld, or True Blood have anything to do with your choice?

 LT: I’ve never really watched Underworld. I’m more of a ‘Lost Boys‘, ‘Vampire Diaries’, ‘Twilight’ and ‘True Blood’ sort of girl. ‘True Blood’ is my absolute favorite at the moment, if Alexander Skarsgard is looking for a date you can point him in my direction.

My love of vampires started very early on, even going back as far as ‘Count Duckula‘ (a cartoon about a duck who is a vampire) and The Count from ‘Sesame Street’.

It was ‘Lost Boys’ that really turned my head though. I still go weak at the knees whenever I see a picture of Keifer Sutherland.


RwF:  When did you decide you wanted to be a published writer?

LT: When I first started showing my stories to my English teacher, Mr. Bradbury when I was eleven. He loved them, and encouraged me so much. Then I joined up aged seventeen and discovered, working hard, boys and alcohol. I sort of forgot about writing for a while. I only came back to it about eighteen months ago, I feel like I saved all those years up and now they’re flowing out of me.


RwF: Who was your favorite character to write?

 LT: I loved writing Victoria and Bartholomew. They are a pretty evil vampire couple in ‘Falling to Pieces’. They have a love, hate relationship that is so easy and enjoyable to write, especially after a good old argument with my hubby. I’m looking forward to writing more about them in coming books.

RwF:  Who was the hardest one?

 LT: I think Thomas was the hardest to write. I’ve met many English men with a stiff upper lip. Thomas is a well to do Englishman, which may to some American readers make his dialogue appear unauthentic. I hope they get that that is just the way he speaks. I also wanted the reader to change their mind about Thomas. I hope they grow to like him and begin to understand his actions throughout the book.

RwF:  Is there a sequel planned?

 LT: I have just started the sequel called ‘Falling Apart’. I’m hoping this will be ready by Spring 2014. Although I finished ‘Falling to Pieces’ quite quickly I am due to start a degree in October this year, so I will have a lot more to juggle with.

I’m considering writing a prequel as well and playing with the POV’s of Thomas, Bartholomew and Victoria. I’d like to know what the readers think of that.

RwF:  How do you intend to market Falling to Pieces?

 LT: Of course I’m hoping this blog tour will help create some interest. Also through the great followers on my FaceBook page as well. I may pay for some advertising on Goodreads. Other than that I only hope for what all authors hope for, and that’s that everyone loves it so much they tell their friends about it.

RwF:  Your cover art is interesting. Who did it?

 LT: Arijana of Cover it designs! made my cover. It was the first paranormal cover she’d ever done. She’s a ‘less is more’ type of girl. However, if you ever saw me you’d know I’m a ‘more is more’ type of person. So, I’m grateful that she was able to go with my vision. Arijana was very accommodating and I can’t fault her tireless professionalism. She gave me everything I wanted and more. I can’t recommend her enough.

About the Author

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L.T. Kelly was born and raised in Solihull, UK. She started writing short stories at school where her teachers offered her lots of feedback and encouragement.

Aged seventeen she joined the Royal Air Force, her career didn’t reserve a lot of time to write so she pushed her passion for it to the back of her mind.

After an eleven and a half career she started writing short stories again until a friend commented that she should write a novel.

She has always had an unhealthy obsession with vampires, so of course it was inevitable that a plot involving vampires would be the first to spring to mind.

L.T. Kelly lives in Lincolnshire, UK with her husband and two children.

Connect with the author:



Blog Site


Where to purchase ‘Falling to Pieces’ by L.T. Kelly

Also available on iBooks